
Star date 0979...
Subspace life form known as the "Devo" has began their invasion.

Many of the star systems cultivated by the human civilization for ages were swallowed into subspace by spatial distortions caused by the Devo's advancement.

Gershon Burton, a young pilot, took off on the Vic Viper, as his ancestors did in the great battles of the past.

Gershon has cornered the enemy to their mothership "Hellhound", but due to the sudden appearance of a greater subspace lifeform, the "Doom", he was left with no choice but to retreat.

The Devo was then swallowed by the overwhelming Doom, along with neighboring star systems.

Star date 0999...
The evil ambitions of the subspace life form Doom was shattered by the two hyperspace fighters, Vic Viper and Super Cobra.


Communication between the two returning fighters and their home planet Gradius has suddenly terminated.

The incident was followed by the advancement of the Devo, this time revived by the Doom.

Vic Viper and Super Cobra must be saved from the evil hands of the Devo.

Aboard the Vic Viper is William Burton, Gershon's son.

The four advanced fighters scramble with the mankind's last hope.

Finalizer, Kamikaze, Slasher, and Saber Tiger!

